We've had the school production of Oliver this week, and I always get roped in to doing the make up for the kids. This year we involved 18 primary school kids from surrounding schools, and they were absolutely fantastic !!! I haven't posted a picture of them for obvious reasons, but the kids at my school (and parents) have given the ok for theirs to be posted ... so here/there/wherever ... are a few of our kids in all their glory !!!
Thank goodness its all over tho. The show was on for 3 nights, and I had to be back in school for 5.30 every night .... I really do feel a bit knackered today ... but it really was well worth it !!!
Other News
So much going on at the moment that I'm meeting myself trying to catch up !!! Had a bit of a health scare last week when I got carted off by ambulance with a suspected heart attack - it turned out to be IBS and my fault because I haven't been taking the tablets properly ... 3 a day I'm supposed to be taking NOT one when I feel unwell !!! Ooops ! Week before that, my BP soared and my heart was racing so Doc has put me on Beta Blockers - I feel really fab on them ... so thanks to Dr Majunder - he has a lot to put up with from me !!!
Scrapping wise I haven't done a lot, as I've been busy making Valentine cards and other commissioned cards - god knows why i've got a run on cards at the moment. I must get some scrapping done tho as I have a load of photos to get printed off and scrapped !
Our Four Sons
Four guys went golfing; one went in the clubhouse to pay while the others waited at the first tee. One of the guys says, “I'm so proud of my son. He is a stock broker and he's made enought that he just gave away a huge portfolio.” The next guy said, “I'm so proud of my son. He's a car dealer and he's doing so well, he just gave away a Ferrari.” The third guy says, “I'm so proud of my son. He's got enough money that he just gave away a million-dollar home.” Just as the third guy fininshes talking, the fourth guy joins them and asks, “What are you guys talking about?'“Just about how good our sons are doing,” the three men replied. “Well, my son is doing very well,” says the fourth man, “He's a male stripper and just last week he got a huge portfolio, a Ferrari and a million-dollar home.”
oh darling, so sorry to hear of your scare, but at least you now have your dosage sorted. take care of yourself.
The kids makeup looks great. I think you have earned yourself a rest, and some time to take care of yourself.
Cal - you be acreful - no more health scares now! STDL says so. You be a GOOD girl
What a scare. Glad that it wasn't serious. the photos are great.
Sorry to hear you've had another scare this week poor love - take care of yourself. The kids look great in the pics :) xxx
lovely blog awesome layouts
I wanted to come post on your blog and say hi! Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on mine!
Glad that your health scare ended up to be minor.
I scrolled through your blog, and your work is totally cute! Can't wait to dig a little deeper! Have a great day!
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