After heaps of PC problems, caused by a certain almost-13-year-old, I have a new PC with Vista - so I'm still finding my way around ... hence my lack of postings.
Major apologies to those lovely people who regularly pop on for a visit, and who have either emailed, PMd me or spoke to me - I'm fine honest !
Anyway, this weeks Unity challenge was to take inspiration from the plates above. Hopefully, you will think my effort is appropriate.
I used K&Co Amy Butler papers, with the individual quote stamp from Unity, and the butterflies from the September Unity Kit of the month. Oh, and heaps and heaps of Jo Sonja's Opal Dust !!
Beautiful Cal, love the butterflies... it must be butterfly time or something!!
Wondered what had happened to you. Welcome back.
Toni :o)
great card
but I love the velvet/felt ribbon you used on the bottom!!!
Yahoooooooooo, so glad your back, was missing you.
Sooo glad you back Cal! Understand about the 13 yr old! LOL!
This is just gorgeous! LOVE the colors and your interpretation of this challenge! Sadly, I didnt get to participate this week!
Welcome back Cal...missed ya.
Toni :o)
Fabulous card!! That paper looks like it was *made* for this challenge!
Glad to have you back! I've been missing you! :)
Love what you did with the card...and I have a 13 year old too..LOL..they can wreak havoc on your pc can't they :-)
FABULOUS card Carole! So glad your back!! We missed you!! :)
This is gorgeous. I love how you made this challenge come to life. LOVE IT.
So glad you are back Carole! As the mom of 12,13, and 15 years (not to mention the 5 yr old) I TOTALLY get it!! Gorgeous card...great detail!
loving the card Cal xx
Beautiful! Love all the little details (pretty ribbon, shimmery stuff . . .).
I haven't been to your blog in a while, I am LOVIN' all your awesome Unity creations!!Your Rockin' them!!
Check out the incredible detail on that card! Gorgeous!
Make sure to stop by my blog and see the details on how to be entered in to win up to 2 prizes! A Unity background is one of them ;)
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