Well, its the start of the school holidays ... and I've managed to get a couple of layouts done using the fabulous sarahscards monthly kit. I've also used up some 'bits and pieces' to try and get the mountain of stash down - yeah yeah !!!
We were hoping that if the house sold quickly (our buyers have a family problem and we've not heard from them for 3 weeks - so i'm flapping) then we would hop on a flight to Canada ... and go and see as many of my Canadian scrapping pals as possible. Anyway, we've put the house back on the market (just in case it has definitely fallen through) and I'm doing a 'drop in' club at school instead.
I know I know .. glutton for punishment ... but it will help the new Year 11's to catch up with coursework and/or get some one on one help if they need it. I'm running the club on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning 9am-12 ... so fingers crossed that someone turns up to it !!!
Aaron will be going up to Scotland with my mum at some point. I had tried to put her off driving and hinted at her to get the train instead .. .but she's insistent that she's driving. Driving in a car with my mother is like driving with Lewis Hamilton around a GP track ... the last time I was in a car with her she was doing 90mph ... and then she tells me off when I go over 30mph in a 40mph zone - I can't win .... Anyway, I hate him going with my mum for their yearly 'jolly' to Scotland. The house is too quiet ... and I miss his company dreadfully. I suppose I just hate letting go of him - but he's mine and I lubs him .... will see what happens anyway ... yer never know, the trip 'might' get cancelled.
Aaron's cricket team won their first tournament on Sunday. It was an all-day affair, and there were 8 teams altogether in the tournament. He was absolutely buzzing as he managed to 'stump' out (????) two players, and his first 'four' .... not sure what it all means, but he's well chuffed about it all !!!! YAY !!!!!!!!!!
Sorting Out
I have too many clothes .... I don't just mean I have too many ... I mean, i now have nowhere else to put them. Why have I got about 100 t-shirts ?? When will I wear them ? Why do I hoard the ones I don't wear ..... Why have I got about 40 jackets, when at least half of them are too small, and even if I do 'slim' into them ... will I wear them ? No. So its all going. Over these holidays, I am determined to 'downsize' my clothes. I might just keep one or two for 'old times sake' .... but honestly, the rest are going to the charity shop ... I promise !!
I hope everyone going on their jolly holly's have a fab, safe time. xx
Oh wow! Love your pages! They rock! I'm so glad I followed the link to you blog!
Great layouts & fab blog hope you have a great summer!
Those layouts are fabulous!! You do great work on here. What a fun blog!
Tag your it, ha ha
Oooh, yummy, bright, summery pages :D Love them xxxx
So cute! Love the little birdy on the swirly bit!
You've been tagged again!
details on my blog
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